When I first started training as a singer way back in 1986, there was no internet...........*crickets*..........
I sometimes wonder how I actually survived, considering how these days, most of us who love to sing, make looking online for songs/music, lyrics, backing tracks, tutorials, courses and information that might help us understand how we can sing better, our first port of call. Its absolutely incredible to have access to such a mind-boggling amount of information and resources!
You want Skype lessons? You got it.
You want to know what a pharynx is? Wiki's got your back.
Don't want to spend money on lessons? Ask your good friend Google for freebies!
Oh, you want to buy a whole singing course? Don't worry, Siri will guide you on a journey into that abyss, too! Do it all in your PJs. No travel costs. The end!
Simples. Feedback & personalized training!
In my early teens, I battled with strain (neck, throat, shoulders), breath control and pitch and quite simply, feeling completely out of control of my vocal production. And due to the constant and brutal way I was using my voice, I suffered tonsillitis 2 to 3 times a year. It was incredibly exhausting and frustrating, considering I was performing all year round. I got by, thanks to the wonderful people I worked with at a local amateur theatre company. I'd watch them sing with ease and pick their brains on how they did that. With those tid-bits of information and a couple of wonderful people that gave me a quick lesson here and there, I got by. But it was a slow and arduous process and the results were subtle at best.
In hindsight, I believe that even if I did have access to the online world and it's resources back then, I would still have come to the same point I reached when I was 16. I had hit a vocal plateau and knew I was in dire need of some personalized, structured guidance that would assist me in moving past (and not falling back into) unhealthy singing habits, as would often happen in the longer periods between help from friends and colleagues.
It was this decision, that enabled my progress to skyrocket.
With the nurturing guidance of some wonderful vocal coaches at The Melba Conservatorium, I was able to double my vocal range in just 6 months. And I was able to sing without strain! Oh my...the relief!
One of the most empowering and motivating things I got from those first few lessons, was a clear sense of direction - a pathway to my goals of being able to sing freely and powerfully. I can't emphasize the importance of this simple concept enough - Direction. My vocal coach recognized the unhealthy techniques that were holding me back from being able to consistently produce 'good tone' and understood exactly what she needed to teach me, in order for me to move past those stages in my learning. I was given goal-oriented tasks for the week ahead and sent home with a cassette tape on which my teacher would (weekly) record instructions and piano accompanied exercises for me to practice. This helped me feel in control and purposeful, rather than banging around in the dark as I had been doing for so many years.
The second and equally important thing I received was instant feedback, when and if I deviated from correct/healthy vocal production. This made it possible for me to improve in real-time - sometimes instantly. No longer did I have to practice and practice (and practice! Ugh...) in the hopes of 'finding the right way to get my voice to work'. Now, I was being shown and guided towards the 'right way' straight up and I learned how to practice with purpose to refine those techniques. It was an about-face in my approach to vocal production, that truly made all the difference in the amount of time and effort it took for my singing voice to improve.
Needless to say, Private Singing Lessons really worked for me, personally.
And now, with more than 25 years experience as a vocal coach under my belt, I have taken these 2 invaluable concepts to the next level, coupled with a wealth of training and knowledge in the areas of vocal physiology, pedagogy and pro-performance presentation, to deliver an all-encompassing training method that continues to empower and bring results to inspired singing students, all over the world. No more banging around in the dark for you!
Students who are enrolled in private lessons with me, have the luxury of getting first class training each week, as well as unlimited FREE access to The Singing Solutions Program for home support in between lessons. This means that your technical training is streamlined, with no inconsistent information from different training methods plus you have everything you're learning each week during lessons, at your fingertips for reference and refinement throughout the week, maximizing your opportunities to develop your voice to it's fullest potential. In addition, upon enrolment, you'll receive links and login details to your own, personalized student portal that will help you track your progress as well as supply you with access to support resources 24/7.
Why not have it all?
So. If you're finding that 'Self-training' is not working for you or you're simply looking for a deeper level of training, feedback and guidance that can only come with one-to-one training, Private Lessons are definitely something to consider. Please feel free to contact me with your inquiries.
The current Award Rates for Music Teachers, as recommended by the Victorian Music Teachers Association
and the Department of Education and Training, currently rests between $76 and $79AU per hour lesson (2018).
Please see below for my 'below award rate' fees.
My studio can be found here: